Sunday, September 21, 2014


These photos were taken from the USS Clamagore at Patriots Point near Charleston, South Carolina.

There were lots of Seagulls hanging around that day. I decided to take their photo too :)

The photos below were taken on top of the Submarine. You can't walk on top of the USS Clamagore, but there is a dock that gets you close.

You can go down inside and take a walk through the USS Clamagore. It only takes a few minutes to go through it, and it is very narrow, but there are a lot of nifty things inside!!

Below are a few more photos of the outside. To my understanding, the submarine was added in 1981. That seems like a very long time to be hanging out in the water.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Folly Beach

Below you will find two photos that were taken from the Folly Beach Pier

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Dreaming Big!

We found our dream house.....

You are all probably tired of seeing all of my beach posts, but it was truly a beautiful place. I have so many more to go through. The above photo was taken on Isle of Palms. There was a small area where people were fishing right as you get to Isle of Palms. We decided to go down and explore the area. This is another one of those areas that has no swimming signs posted everywhere.The current is too rough. While out exploring, we noticed this house right on the point. Absolutely adorable...   

And it has been decided.... When we win the lottery, we are going to buy it :)
We would have to actually buy a lottery ticket first- but hey... its a great thought, huh?